Sunday, July 5, 2020

Emotional intelligence classes designed to help you become a better human

Emotional intelligence classes designed to help you become a better human

TL;DR: Work towards becoming more self-aware with The Emotional Intelligence and Decision-Making bundle for $34.99, a 96% savings as of July 5.

Humans kind of suck these days. Seriously. A quick scroll through Twitter will validate that. With emotions running high, empathy, social skills, and self-awareness (some of the main areas of emotional intelligence) have seemingly gone out the window. But there are ways to get back in touch with your feelings and become a better human, like with this Emotional Intelligence and Decision-Making Bundle.

Coined as a concept in 1995 by psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman, emotional intelligence centers around the ability to manage and monitor one's own as well as other's emotions and use them to guide one's thinking and actions. An emotionally intelligent person will have a higher chance of success and a stronger ability to effectively lead. Read more...

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via Tech Republiq

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