Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Mom talks about that heartbreaking photo of her trans son to fight discriminatory bathroom bill


Amber Briggle is sick and tired of Texas lawmakers bullying her son

He’s part of the community affected by the anti-trans "bathroom bill" making its way through the Texas legislature.  

On Tuesday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott revived the bill after it stalled in the House during the regular legislative session.

So last week Briggle posted a powerful moment caught by local media earlier this year. In the post she wrote that the photo showed her transgender son, Max, crying outside the governor's office. 

"Can I just admit for a second how effing tired I am of having to comfort my baby and protect him from bullies in Austin?" she wrote. She lamented how "this sucks so hard" and went on to say that he deserves a summer vacation with his friends, "not a political pissing contest with the Texas Legislature." Read more...

More about Transgender Rights, Texas, Bathroom Bill, Social Good, and Politics

via Tech Republiq

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