Monday, June 26, 2017

Someone found an incredibly creative way of sorting Lego bricks using AI


For parents, children, and Lego aficionados everywhere, it's a good day to be alive.

Everyone loves to build with Lego bricks, but no one likes the cleanup — so using AI technology, Jacques Mattheij, a tech-savvy Lego-lover since childhood, found a way to make sorting Lego pieces fun and simple.

In a blog post, Mattheij told the tale of how he came to own two metric tons (more than 4,000 pounds) of the colorful bricks, which ultimately inspired him to build an automated Lego sorter. So with some "python code and a bunch of hardware to handle the parts," Mattheij set forth on his journey to sort and ensure the beloved mini-figs get a home of their own. Read more...

More about Tech, Video, Conversations, Lego, and Toys

via Tech Republiq

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