Monday, June 26, 2017

SNES Classic sure sounds like a limited edition item, according to Nintendo


If you're excited about the Super NES Classic Edition — I sure am — then there's a bit of a good news/bad news situation developing here.

First, the bad news. Much like 2016's NES Classic, Nintendo's follow-up will almost certainly be a limited edition item. A Nintendo spokesperson confirmed as much in an email exchange with me.

"Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017. At this time, we have nothing to announce regarding any possible shipments beyond this year."

While an optimist might read that statement as non-committal — "Yeah, we'll promise shipments through the end of 2017 and who knows about 2018??" — Nintendo's follow-up makes the release philosophy clearer. These "Classic" consoles are a treat for fans, but the company's real focus is on other products. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Gaming, Nintendo, Snes Classic, and Entertainment

via Tech Republiq

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