Monday, June 26, 2017

Kelly Osbourne peed her pants and is blaming Starbucks


Starbucks pissed off Kelly Osbourne, so she pissed herself. Or, to use Osbourne's own hashtag, #PissedMyOwnPants. 

After she tried and failed to relieve herself at a Manhattan location, she got very dramatic about the whole thing and tweeted about it for some reason. There's a hefty does of rage for the "shameful employees" that were just doing their jobs instead of dropping everything to direct their attention to Osbourne's bursting bladder. 

The troublesome turn of events went down at the happiest possible setting: New York City's Pride festival. Osbourne was marching with amFAR, an organization dedicated to fighting AIDS, which is wonderful.   Read more...

More about Celebrities, Starbucks, Twitter Feud, Kelly Osbourne, and Culture

via Tech Republiq

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