Monday, May 1, 2017

Alexa's whispers are the nightmare fuel narrating our crumbling dystopian dreamscape


The sound of humanity's impending irrelevance is all the more terrifying when it's delivered sotto voce. 

This much is clear following Amazon's release of several new voice features for its Alexa assistant. Pitched as a way for developers to create a "more natural voice experience," the update from the Seattle-based retail giant has made it possible to alter Alexa's intonation in numerous anxiety-producing ways. 

Specifically, Alexa can now change its rate of speech, add emphasis to words, bleep out profanity, mutter off-script ramblings, and whisper. Yes, whisperRead more...

More about Creepy, Voice Assistants, Alexa, Amazon Echo, and Amazon

via Tech Republiq

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