Sunday, December 15, 2019

Merriam-Webster unveils its word of the year for 2019

Merriam-Webster unveils its word of the year for 2019

Back in September, the Merriam-Webster dictionary added a new definition of the word "they," including its use "to refer to a single person whose gender identity is non-binary."

And now, "they" has just been chosen as Word of the Year for 2019.

The selection is described as "entirely date driven" in Merriam-Webster's official press release, with the word in question having to show "a significant increase in lookups over the previous year."

It's not really a surprise that searches for "they" have gone up, either — back in March, singer Sam Smith opened up about being non-binary during an interview with Jameela Jamil, before going on to change their pronouns to "they/them" in September. Read more...

More about Non Binary, Dictionary, Merriam Webster, Culture, and Identities

via Tech Republiq

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